Sunday, February 26, 2012

Introduction to Invasives

Hi all of you conservation fans!

There are a lot of blogs and articles about invasive species, but there aren't really a lot that look at common invasive species and where they're located.  I want to fill this gap by considering 4 different invasive species including what they are, where they are, and why we want them gone!  I have some brief descriptions of why they are so dangerous to our native species and have mapped them on the contiguous United States as well as our own Washington state!

I hope you learn a lot!


  1. Lovely, personable intro page. Minor sentence structure suggestion: The third sentence confused me the first time I read it. Maybe switch it around a bit to read "For the part about where they are located,..."

  2. Your website provides some nice basics about the Invasive species discussed, I especially appreciated the species distributions on the ‘Where are Invasive Species’ page. I like the lightheartedness, and informal feel of the website overall. It was a nice respite from other webpages on this topic, it made for a very accessible and enjoyable experience. On the other hand however, there seems to be a lack of detail in your description pages, and also I would have liked to have seen sources in-text, and perhaps hyperlinked to a main source page.
