Where are Invasive Species?

Invasive species are ALL OVER this state, they can be found in parks, beaches, forests, and even our own backyards.

Here are some maps that I have created of the common invasive species based on their preferred habitats and some known distributions:

American Bullfrog
They seem to be confined to wetter and warmer states in general.

Brazilian Elodea
They are confined to states with lots of water contact.
European Green Crab
They are confined to states on sea borders that are colder with more nutrients.

Himalayan Blackberry
They are confined to both coasts probably because their
methods of distribution hasn't allowed them to move
more inland.  Also these areas are more temperate.


  1. It seems that the Northern midwest states don't have a problem with these species. Why is that?

  2. These maps are great and really informative; are they your "original graphics" or did you find them elsewhere?

  3. These maps look great. The sentence "Here are some maps of the common invasive species" is potentially a bit misleading though, because there are in fact many more common invasive species. You might instead write "Here are some maps of common invasive species", or "Here are maps of the common invasive species that you saw previously on the "WANTED" posters".

    Regarding Anja's comment, I noticed the crediting in the corners of the maps, so I don't think you officially need to worry, but it could be interesting for readers for you to mention how you came about the maps in the text at the top of the page.
